Algebraic and symbolic computation, security, complex systems, codes and cryptology

Team leader : Clément Pernet

The CAS³C³ team belongs to the AMAC department of LJK and gathers researchers interested in Computer algebra and Symbolic computations, in Security, in Complex systems, in Coding theory and Cryptology.

We are hosted in the IMAG building, on the Saint-Martin-d’Hères campus of University Grenoble-Alpes.

Research interests

Our current research focuses on the following themes and is applied to several projects.

  • Computer algebra, symbolic and numerical algorithms: exact linear algebra, arithmetics, complexity
  • Cryptology, security and coding theory (focus)
  • Parallel algorithms, object-oriented engineering, hybrid symbolic-numeric systems
  • Formal methods for software engineering, algebraic semantics for programming languages, graph transformations
  • Differential algebraic equations
  • Complex systems (focus)

CAS³C³ team picture in April, 2019


Team members mainly teach at the UFR IM²AG, at the IUT2 computer science department and at Ensimag. In particular, the team is involved in the Cybersecurity master.


CAS³C³ team follows on from the CASYS team (publication list (2007-2018)).